Unesco's Green Citizens Project - Working For Education For Sustainable Development!
Date: Monday, January 25, 2016
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is at the heart of today’s debates and is a priority of UNESCO. In the framework of the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP21), UNESCO, as the lead UN agency for ESD, developed the UNESCO GREEN CITIZENS project, a multimedia platform and a travelling exhibition which we invite you to discover: Watch our Video here
The project aims to pay tribute to the men and women who, every day, educate, sensitize and transmit the best practices related to sustainable development to their respective communities. Today, we launched a participative platform inviting all educators worldwide to communicate and share their initiatives and projects on ESD.
So, if you are involved in education for sustainable development, we would like to invite you to share your initiatives on the UNESCO GREEN CITIZENS platform an make it known to the community.
The YUNGA (Youth and United Nations Global Alliance ) team