Methodology of work
MIJARC/IMCARY follows the methodology of Cardinal Joseph Cardijn (1882-1967), founder of the Young Christian Workers Movement. It is known as revision of life, reflection/action or see judge act. This methodology not only allows a better understanding of problems but wants also to contribute to the solution of the problems by action. See-judge-act methodology enables young rural people to analize their living conditions and act either by concrete local projects, training and formation activities or policital actions.
ACTION PLAN 2008-2012
In May 2008 the World Assembly of MIJARC/ IMCARY resolved a new action plan for the years 2008-2012. The delegates defined 6 specific objectives:
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Contributionand Promotion of sustainable development of agricultural and rural areas allover the world
Specific objectives:
1. Rural youth achieves autonomy working on sustainable and solidarity economy
2. MIJARC implements global/holistic education to form responsible and competent rural men and women
3. MIJARC and rural youth participate in decision making processes at all levels
4. Environmental protection is taken as a national policy
5. Women are empowered at all levels in relation with their rights and their participation to take leadership
6. MIJARC is stronger at all levels